How to Simplify Your kid's wardrobe Quickly

Are you searching for decluttering ideas for your kid’s clothes? Are you struggling with laundry mountain, like no matter what you do you can never seem to stay on top of keeping the laundry cleaned and put away?

Next to toys, clothes were my biggest stressor when I started my minimalism journey. And if you are struggling too, then I think these great tips to simplify your kids’ wardrobe quickly are going to help you immensely! 

Decluttering the right way

Decluttering your kid’s clothes is not about a specific number or an organization system, although those things can be helpful. Rather it is a means to ending stress and overwhelm in your life and your kids. It eliminates frustration and irritation and adds ease into your morning and laundry routines! More clothes mean more to manage which means more piles on the floor or on top of the laundry machine. I talk a lot about stewardship here on the blog and with my kids. If we can’t manage it then it’s too much and something must be done. This is one of the golden rules in our home. This is how we stay on top of keeping our home clutter free. 

Gather All Their Clothes

I suggest washing all of the clothes and gathering them together. Start with the number 7. This is one for every day of the week. I think you will find you can pair down even more from that but I think that realistically especially if your child has a ton of clothes that 7 is a good place to start. 

The first step is to pick out clothes that they love and you see them wear all the time. Kids are very much like us and will often select the same pieces because they are comfortable or make them feel confident. See where you are at number-wise and then select a few more things to get to that number 7 for tops and bottoms and for girls I suggest 2-3 dresses. Your individual family is going to have its own needs which is the same for each individual child. Two of my children wear more dresses than shorts so they only have a couple pairs of shorts (we currently live in a hot climate only) my other daughter never wears a dress so I don’t keep any for her. 

Anything else that didn’t make the first cut, go through. If there are any obviously donates because they don’t fit or if something is super stained and it’s just time to say goodbye, those are easy things to part with. Anything else that you are unsure of should go into a storage box. You can reassess the box in a month or two – Either switch out some pieces from the original collection or simply donate the whole thing from there if nothing is missed. 


Start with what they love

I think so often when we try to go piece by piece we hold on to more thinking oh maybe I should keep this. If you start with what they love (and the same advice goes for your own wardrobe) then it is much easier to do this process quickly. You know those pieces would be missed because your child chooses them regularly. This helps us to do a quick filter and then we can take a little more time with the leftovers. 

I also suggest keeping a separate bin for any special occasion item that you know won’t get worn regularly, but you know you will need it for a specific reason. Like a suit or a karate outfit or a dance costume. If the hobby is passed and you want to hold onto it for sentimental reasons then add it to a sentimental or keepsake box. Don’t allow it to take up valuable real estate in your child’s closet. 

Seasonal Items

At the end of each season go through this decluttering process and don’t hold on to things you know your child will outgrow by next year. Part of decluttering clothes is learning not to get attached and making rapid decisions in order to stay on top of clothing clutter. If it won’t be worn this season get it out of the main closet space and into a seasonal box. 

One Item in One Item Out

Once you have done the decluttering process keep this rule in your mind. Anytime I go shopping with or for one of my kids we immediately go to their closet and sort through their old clothing and replace an old item with a new item. This keeps it maintained without any thought.