[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As we approach a new beginning with the season of spring shortly upon us, we are also approaching a new beginning in our foster parenting journey.

We are excited, hopeful and oh so ready for this new beginning.

You may also notice a new little something here on the blog. The website has been completely redesigned and is still a work in progress. So please, bear with me as I adjust to all the new stuff I need to learn in the technical back end of blogging.

I have been blogging for about 3 years now. 2 years ago I signed up for a blogging course because I really wanted to pursue blogging as a career option. I love the freedom it allows and the creativity I get to have as well as the connections I’ve been able to make.

Social media and the internet in general can be a scary place. Full of comparison traps, people hiding behind screens with hurtful words and also a complete time suck.

God has been convicting me about being more intentional with my screen time, especially because I do social media as a job, it is easy to use the excuse of “I am working”.

I am pretty good about closing the laptop and putting the screen away around my kids because I know I am their example for the future.

The way that most teenagers and young adults are with their phones really scares me for my kids future. I mean I know its the world we are in but it can be so easy for technology to become an idol.

There are so many proven studies on the addiction of social media, technology and how it has really negatively affected the dopamine centres in our brains!

But as an eternal optimist, I choose to focus on the positives. For one I have made amazing relationships/friendships with like minded people in other countries and provinces.  Without social media I would not have had the ability to meet these people. I think that is pretty dang awesome.

I choose to use my blog platform and social media outlets as a tool for good. With that being said, maybe you have noticed the biggest change here on the new website….

I have never hidden my faith but it was not a main topic when I started blogging. However as I have grown spiritually the Lord is really leading me to use this platform to spread the message of the gospel. So I hope you stick around because we are going to be getting a lot more spiritual around here!

I didn’t grow up as a Christian, I easily fell into the ideas of the world. But I am so THANKFUL that the Lord pursued me. He loves me (and you) that much. He promised me eternity even though I am sinful. He gives me grace, even though I do not deserve it. Me, He chose me!

My life has significantly changed and improved since asking Jesus into my heart 15 years ago. I thank God every day for His mighty power in my life. For the Holy Spirit who guides, intercedes and comforts me.

I want others moms to know this feeling. To know how truly life changing it is to have Jesus as your Lord and Savior. I want other moms to understand their worth as a daughter of the King.

When you put God first your life will be better. When you walk in close relationship to Him and lean in to hear His whispers you will excel in your motherhood. Even when you stumble and fall and make mistakes He is always there to carry you. To pick you back up. To encourage you.

As a foster parent I am even more grateful for God. It is a roller coaster that has unseen twists and turns. It is HARD. But God. God sees it all and holds my hand through it. He dries my tears and gives me courage. He makes me brave, He gives me boldness. He humbles me and allows me to thrive.

Following Jesus does not guarantee an easy life but it certainly guarantees a “worth it” life.

We will be taking a break from fostering which makes me so sad because I enjoy it so much. Service like foster parenting fulfills me in a way nothing else ever has. But God is telling me that it is time for a pause in this last 4 year chapter of my life. To to turn a new page in our family but also to keep serving the foster care community in a different way.

I have been able to connect with so many amazing foster or soon to be foster mamas. I get messages all the time about how my videos and blog posts encourage them, or helped them make the final decision after fostering had been on their hearts for a while. I have been able to celebrate joyous adoptions and weep with those who have to say goodbye. These beautiful connection fill me right up.

I know God still wants me serving in this way even though I will not be directly fostering for the next little bit as we adjust to a new family dynamic.

So this blog is going to be getting more of my time. More intentional time with what I feel God has led me to share about.

I am here to encourage, equip and inspire moms who want more.  Moms who want more (Jesus) for themselves and more for the next generation. Moms who want to make an impact in the global orphan crisis. Moms who care deeply for vulnerable children.

For those of you in the trenches I am here to lend an ear, a shoulder to cry on or a shout of hallelujah to rejoice together. If you need me to pray for you, hey I’m your girl.

When you love something like I love Jesus it is hard to not talk about it all the time (and to completely redesign your blog to share about His love.)

I know the secret to a happy, fulfilled abundant life. I can’t help but share. So friend thank you for being here. Thank you for caring about vulnerable children and thank you for wanting more. Stop reacting to life and start being proactive. It all starts with The One who created us all. Lean in, study His truth, act out the words and I promise you, your life will have purpose.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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